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Bij Sint-Jacobs 13
9000 Gent

from 16:00

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Hailing from Landen (not London), Godero started to make waves a while back - despite his young age. After landing his first gig at local festival Rock Landen at the age of 13, he dove deeper and deeper in the wondrous universe that is house music. Now, some seven years later, part of the things that make him happiest are: Funke, obscure movies and everlasting sets.

︎︎︎ Soundcloud
︎︎︎ Funke exclusive set
︎︎︎ Spotify Playlist

— What sparked your interest in music initially?
I got interested in music all by myself. We didn’t have an especially musical family or anything like that, I have always been kind of on my own with it. Of course, further on, I discovered artists who inspired me. Through them I discovered new music, new genres and new scenes.

When I was 9 or 10 years old, I got myself a tiny mixer and tried to get my hands on all kinds of electronic music that were deemed hip at that time. It didn’t take long though before I developed a devotion towards house music. That was the start of it all - I never stopped after that, really.

“ I prefer long sets because the stories I want to convey generally don’t fit in a one or two hour slot. ”

— Do you aspire to make a living out of nightlife?
As long as something makes me happy, I will pursue it. And right now digging, listening and playing gigs make me very happy, so I’m willing to put a lot of effort into it. I’m not that future-oriented. I will see where it takes me but at the same time I don’t want DJ-ing to be the only thing in my life.

Talking about the other side of things - organizing parties - slowly but surely some ideas are beginning to take shape. We talk about our own, small-scale events, with a couple of friends. But first and foremost I try to take in a lot of different experiences and impressions.

“ Thanks to Funke, I got to know lots of new people in Ghent, leading to quite intense friendships. ”

— How is the context of Funke influencing you? How does it compare to other venues?
I feel very much at home here - it kind of feels like I found myself a second family. There’s an atmosphere of love lingering around the place and everyone involved in it. I don’t really get that feeling in other clubs.

Thanks to Funke, I got to know lots of new people in Ghent, leading to quite intense friendships. All in a short span of time. It makes me happy just to think about that. In Funke I feel at ease, like I belong there. As a person but also as an artist. Because springing from those all-round positive emotions, is a well of boundless creativity.

Other parties I’ll attend are mainly organized by collectives that don’t necessarily have a fixed spot. Beautiful Freaks in Brussels stands out for me. Long sets, deep cuts and the same, caring atmosphere - I thoroughly enjoy those events.  

“ I don’t like the idea of having a fixed schedule. Spontaneity is key! ”

— Do you have a ritual before your sets?
Generally, my selection is made a couple of days before the event. I’ll go through the whole selection beforehand, to really get to know the songs and possible combinations. Afterwards I’ll leave it at that, trying to clear my head by not bothering or engaging with the selection until the day of the gig.

Going into the night, I’ll have a basic idea of where I want to go with the set. I divide my sets into blocks - linked with atmospheres and feelings. Of course there’s plenty of room for sidesteps and variations. I prefer long sets because the stories I want to convey generally don’t fit in a one or two hour slot.

— Where would we find you when you’re not preparing or playing a gig?
I enjoy long walks. Headphones on and off we go. It really can be anywhere - in nature or in a city - depending on my mood and how far I want to go. This time away from it all is precious to me. It helps me to clear my mind.

Apart from that, of course there’s school. I major in arts studies. During classes I stumbled upon a ton of stuff that, often quite unexpectedly, sparked my interest. For instance theater; I wasn’t really into that before.

Film and movies will always be a refuge. I have a sweet tooth for rather obscure movies with vague storylines like ‘Nowhere’ by Gregg Araki. The movie follows a day in the lives of a group of Los Angeles high school students and the strange lives they lead. The story covers nothing and everything at the same time. It challenges the viewer: what is true, and what is not?

— What are you looking forward to in the (near) future?
I don’t make many future plans, to be honest. I’m trying to live in the now and I’m a big fan of unexpected adventures. I prefer having a lot of options and making last-minute decisions, rather than planning everything in advance. I don’t like the idea of having a fixed schedule. Spontaneity is key!

— Can you tell us a little bit more about the playlist and set you assembled for Funke?
The playlist contains a lot of different genres - not exclusively club music. Although these are songs that I mostly listen to in my spare time, they still refer to ‘my sound’. I tried to create a feeling of melancholic tranquility and escapism. You can drift off, listening to it.

For example: Spinvis, one of my favorite artists, is featured. I am a huge fan of the purity and emotions in his songs. There are also some weirder and quite eccentric songs in there, which you will always hear in my sets. A good example is ‘Capitol K - Song for banana’. When I first heard that - hugely chaotic and super weird - record, a certain feeling of joy entered me, which I found quite interesting. Dropping these kinds of obscure records in a set is one of my favorite things, as they sometimes trigger confused looks and a more individual experience in a crowd.

Interview with Godero + words by Hans Empereur